Happy Harvester
JoinedTopics Started by Happy Harvester
Invitation to Blog About Books I'm Reading
by Happy Harvester inhttp://serendipitousjoy.spaces.live.com/default.aspx.
let me know if the link to my blog works, if you get a chance to check it out.. i will be blogging about books, and anything in general, as it relates to my reading.
i'd love to get some responses and add some friends to the site.. if you're interested in evolutionary biology, anthropology, social sciences, literature, art, pop culture or anything to do with humanity and nature, come take a look and comment.
sheep or goats?
by Happy Harvester ingetting rid of jws at the door:.
My Bucket List
by Happy Harvester ini'd love to see all of gaudi's work, in person, before i "kick the bucket.
" http://www.greatbuildings.com/architects/antonio_gaudi.html.
i'd also like to work my way through europe, see the louvre, see the grand canyon, teach someone to read.. i think it would be fun to see the west coast, too.
I never heard of myself until I googled me up . . .
by Happy Harvester in.
and found out that i have been a famous australian singer and actress, and a world class body-builder, and the owner of an employment firm.
funny, none of that matches the "me" i know.
Mike Tacy
by Happy Harvester inif you're here or if someone who knows him is here, send me a p.m., okay?
I hope everyone here had a very happy holiday!
by Happy Harvester ini've been busy with new work and new life, so have not been here much lately.
xmas was cool.
gotta' go to worky-jerky.
Looking for input from flight attendants . . .
by Happy Harvester inif you have been or are a flight attendant, i'd love to have some input about your experiences and ideas regarding it.. i've always thought i'd like to do this sort of work - due to the travel opportunities - and my service work experience.. .
so i'm going to take a shot at this - even though i'm probably too old and will probably have to wear makeup to work (yuck!).
any and all feedback from experienced flight attendants would be greatly appreciated!
Ever hear convincing testimony that d'f'ing is a "loving arrangement"?
by Happy Harvester injust wondering, cuz it's so often espoused by those doing the shunning that disfellowshipping is a "loving arrangement," and there must be tons of "testimonial" literature from the borg saying so; however, when i was a jw, i don't recall ever once hearing a previously d'f''ed one giving witness to how loving it was.